When working with a Git repository, you usually want to ignore files that are not directly related to the codebase. This keeps the Git repository clean and reduces clutter. For example, OS specific files like the .DS_Store on OS X and Thumbs.db on Windows, databases, directories like .vagrant/ that Vagrant creates, and temporary directories should be ignored. You can tell Git to ignore files by creating a .gitignore file that contains the patterns of files to ignore.
There are three common ways to use a .gitignore:
- Project specific
- Directory specific
- Globally for the user
Project Specific
This is what I think of when I think of a .gitignore. It lives at the root directory of the Git repository, and it specifies what to ignore for the project. For example, a Ruby on Rails project .gitignore with explanatory comments may look like:
.bundle/ # ignore the Bundler cache
log/*.log # ignore log files
config/application.yml # ignore application credentials
tmp/ # ignore the temporary directory
The directories and files to ignore are specific to this project, since it is a Ruby on Rails project. They are not files that should get checked in, either because they are log files, a cache generated for dependencies, contain secrets, or are not necessary.
Specific files can be ignored with config/application.yml
, entire
directories can be ignored with tmp/
, and patterns can be used to
match specific files like only files that end with .log in the log
directory with log/*.log
Directory Specific
A project can also contain directory specific .gitignore files. This is less common, but it can be useful if a directory is used for a specific purpose like provisioning a server or deploying.
For example, when using Sunzi for server provisioning, a .gitignore is created in the ‘sunzi’ directory in the project that contains:
compiled/ # ignore the compiled deploy scripts
sunzi.yml # ignore the sunzi config that contains secrets
This makes sense to be in a directory specific .gitignore, because if Sunzi is ever removed or replaced, the .gitignore for Sunzi-specific files will get removed as well.
Globally For the User
Have you ever seen a .gitignore for a project that is hundreds of lines long that tries to ignore every possible file that could ever exist? This is a bad practice because it muddies the history of the codebase and bloats the .gitignore. If a developer starts using a different text editor or IDE that creates temporary files or directories, the project specific .gitignore should not care about user-specific files.
A simpler solution is to use a global .gitignore, which ignores the
specified files and directories for all Git repositories for the user.
When setting up your Git config,
the excludesfile = ~/.gitignore_global
in the [core]
settings allows
you to setup a .gitignore_global in your home directory that Git will
use for globally ignoring files. This is where IDE, OS, and tool
specific directories should be ignored.
This is not an extensive .gitignore_global, but it is enough to get started:
.vagrant/ # ignore the dir Vagrant created
.DS_Store # ignore .DS_Store files on OS X
*.swp # ignore swap files for vim
*.swo # ignore swap files for vim</pre>
As you discover more files that should be globally ignored, continue to
add them to your .gitignore_global
Be diligent about not checking in any ole file into your codebase. The codebase should, for the most part, just contain the code and any needed assets.