I have spent the past two years consistently asking myself the question: “Am I happy with what I am doing?” The answer tends to be no. That answer inevitably leads me to ask myself: “Well then, what do I want to do?”

In late winter of this year, I was sitting at the kitchen table with a red notebook that I got for Valentine’s Day. It was a nice notebook with high quality paper. I was writing out ideas and thoughts on what I wanted to do. I wrote down:

I want to tell stories.

That was when it clicked. It’s so simple. It doesn’t need to be any more complex than that. I want to tell stories in anyway that I can. For now, I am focusing on the written word, but I would like to explore other forms as well.

With that in mind, I have refreshed this website to focus on writing and storytelling. The Journal will be where I share news and thoughts, like a blog. Works is where one can find my projects. The technical content that previously populated this website now lives in the Archive.

I am diligently working on my first novel, which I am hoping to self-publish in 2017. I’m going to do my best to write a new journal entry every week here as well.

Refreshing my website has felt, well, refreshing. It is a new start, and I am looking forward to giving it my all.